Minor in Possession
Arrested for a Minor in Possession charge in Auburn, AL or one of the surrounding areas?
Call McCollum and Wilson 334-821-7799 or email info@mcwlegal.com for all your criminal defense needs.
Call one of our experienced attorneys for a free consultation today!
Our law firm located in Auburn, Alabama handles minor in possession charges in Auburn, Alabama and the surrounding areas. We work thoroughly with each court system, whether it is Auburn Municipal Court, Lee County Court or other surrounding courts in Alabama. Our firms experienced attorneys make sure that any minor in possession charge is handled to the upmost satisfaction.
The most common minor in possession charge is, minor in possession of alcohol. Alabama’s law restricts anyone under the age of 21 from possessing, purchasing, consuming or transporting any alcoholic beverage. If an individual under the age of 21 possesses or attempts to possess alcohol he or she could be charged with Minor in Possession of Alcohol.
In addition to minor in possession of alcohol, another common charge for a minor is possession of forged instrument. A person can be charged if he or she knowingly or attempts to use a forged, false, deceptive nongenuine driver’s license. The most common cases an individual, usually a minor, is charged with false identification is when trying to buy alcohol or trying to enter an establishment that prohibits a person under the age of 21.
What are the Consequences of a Minor in Possession?
There are various outcomes for a person charged with minor in possession. An individual charged with minor in possession of alcohol could pay court costs up to $500 and face up to 30 days in jail. Other consequences for a minor in possession charge could be a person participating in community service as well as mandatory court-ordered rehabilitation or education programs. If a person is charged with possession of a forged instrument or invalid driver’s license, he or she could have their driver’s license suspended up to 90 days and pay fines ranging from $50 to $500.
Why Hire an Attorney and Choose McCollum and Wilson?
Any charge can seem unsettling – especially a minor in possession charge. In most cases a person that received a minor in possession is usually being charged for the first time. The legal process can seem overwhelming and daunting and seeking help by a professional can help a person receive the best outcome.
To get the best outcome for a case you need to hire an attorney who knows the legal system the best. At McCollum and Wilson our firm realizes that any minor in possession charge is a serious offense. The criminal defense attorneys at our firm realize that any criminal charge can have lasting consequences for one’s future. Our attorneys use their expertise in criminal law to help a person charged with minor in possession receive the best possible result for their case.
McCollum and Wilson attorneys know that a minor in possession charge can affect one’s future when applying to a job or applying to attend a university. Our criminal defense attorneys use their knowledge of the legal system in Alabama to provide the best defense for a minor that they are representing. Our attorneys have the knowledge and connections to help provide the best results for your case.
If you or someone you know has been charged with minor in possession or a criminal offense call one of our experienced attorneys at 334-821-7799 or email info@mcwlegal.com To find out more information on minor in possession or a criminal charge give one of our attorneys a call today.

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Our attorneys practice law in Auburn Alabama and the following surrounding areas:
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*Divorce and child custody consultations are $300 which will be applied to your retainer if you choose to hire our firm.
McCollum and Wilson, P.C. | 363-A E. Glenn Ave Auburn, AL | Phone: 334-821-7799 | Fax: 334-821-7732 | Email: info@mcwlegal.com